Your username is your email - you should have an account set up already if you've interacted with AARO in the past. You will need to set up a password when you login to the site for the first time. To set your new password, click "forgot password", and follow the prompts. If you need assistance, please send an email to Brandy March at brandy.march@aaro.net or via phone at 515-494-1710 and we'll be happy to help.
Access job postings by clicking the Jobs tab at the top of the page. To post a job you must be logged into the website. Click on your member profile, and navigate to the "Post a Job" section. From here you can upload your posting. If you need to edit a job post, click "Job Postings" and select the post you wish to edit.
Member News
Access news under our news page. To share your own organization's news items on this page, please contact us (word documents are preferred when submitting news items for posting).
To find out more about upcoming conferences and training events, click the Events tab at the top of the page and select the event header to find information and details. Navigate to the "Select Attendees" section, and click the "Select" button - a window will open to allow you to choose the attendees you'd like to register for the event. You'll need to have pop-up blocker disabled on your web browser to select attendees. Click the box next to the name of each attendee you'd like to register, and click "Ok". Enter any dietary restrictions for each attendee in the text box below. Click "Register" and you'll be taken to your shopping cart to complete the transaction. Please contact us with any questions you have about registering for events.