Success Through Leadership, Cooperation, Communication and Education

Are you interested in the success and advancement of state appraiser and appraisal management company regulatory programs?

Consider serving on one or more of AARO's committees and/or advisory councils.


Budget & Finance Committee - Eric Brinton, Chair
The Finance, Budget and Sponsorship Committee shall monitor the financial needs of the Association. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairperson. This Committee shall review the previous year’s financial report, the current financial status, project future income, and prepare a proposed budget for the coming calendar year. The proposed budget shall be presented to the Board of Directors at the Fall Association meeting. If the proposed budget exceeds projected revenue, the committee shall also present a detailed plan for securing such additional income as necessary to achieve a balanced budget.

Communications - Fran Oreto, Chair
The Communications Committee shall oversee all publications of the Association (except for membership), shall develop and publish a newsletter to inform members of real estate appraiser and appraisal management company regulation and enforcement matters, research, educational trends and activities, and shall promote and publicize the Association to nonmembers. The chairperson shall be appointed by the President.

Education - Larry Disney, Chair
The Education Committee shall review and analyze information relevant to producing appropriate education opportunities for the Association’s appraiser regulatory officials (e.g. board members, executive directors/administrators, administrative staff, legal counsel, and investigators). The Committee shall provide recommendations to the Association Board of Directors for approval to develop educational courses that are relevant and designed to advance the competency and professionalism of all appraiser regulatory officials. Upon approval of the Association Board of Directors, the Committee shall develop, deliver, and maintain the approved educational courses.

Nominating - Tom Veit, Chair
For each annual election, the Nominating Committee shall propose a candidate for each office or position in the Association to be filled. No nominees shall be proposed for President because the President Elect shall automatically accede to this office, unless more than two-thirds of the voting member jurisdictions shall vote not to allow said President Elect to accede to the office of President.

Program - Dennis Badger, Chair
The Program Committee shall make all arrangements for the fall and spring Association meetings, with the President Elect serving as Chairperson. The Program Committee shall develop and present programs with emphasis on subject matter of interest to the member jurisdictions and consistent with the mission statement of the Association. The Committee shall also determine sponsorship opportunities for Association meetings and shall solicit suitable sponsors for meetings.

Planning & Policy - Justin Barney, Chair
The Planning and Policy Committee shall develop and recommend policy to the Board of Directors that is in the best interest of the Association regarding the Association’s membership, bylaws, programs/meeting, publications, governance, administration/operation, funding, education, training, research, and other relevant matters. The Committee shall review the Bylaws at least every two (2) years. The Committee shall establish and maintain a Policy and Procedures Manual, subject to approval by the Association Board of Directors, to serve as guidance to Association officers, committees and member jurisdictions. The Vice President shall serve as Chairperson.

Advisory Councils

Appraisal Subcommittee Advisory Council - Jacqueline Olson, Chair
The Appraisal Subcommittee Advisory Council shall monitor the policies and activities of the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) and disseminate information as to the ASC’s current philosophies and interpretations to assist member jurisdictions with compliance issues. The Council shall be responsible for: 1. Acquiring information from member jurisdictions and other sources regarding results of  recent field reviews by ASC policy managers; 2. Analyzing information acquired and determine means of achieving full compliance by  member jurisdictions; and 3. Disseminating information and assistance to member and non-member jurisdictions. 

Appraiser Qualifications Board Advisory Council - Rene Rogers, Chair
The Appraiser Qualifications Advisory Council shall be primarily responsible to be the eyes and ears of the Association with regards to The Appraisal Foundation’s Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) activities, and be responsible to: 1. Provide jurisdictions with clear and concise interpretation and reviews of AQB proposals; 2. Provide input as a regulator to the AQB’s interpretive responses to industry questions; and 3. Periodically assimilate from within the regulatory community relevant issues which in turn are communicated to the AQB for consideration. To maintain communications and cooperation between AARO members and the Appraisal Qualifications Board.

USPAP Advisory Council - William Stoerrle, Chair
The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice Advisory Council will be the eyes and ears of the Association with regards to The Foundation’s Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) activities. The Council’s primary function will be to: 1. Provide jurisdictions with clear and concise interpretations and reviews of ASB proposals; 2. Provide input as a regulator to the ASB’s interpretive responses to industry questions; and 3. Periodically assimilate from within the regulatory community relevant issues which in turn are communicated to the ASB for consideration. Maintain communications and cooperation between AARO members and the Appraisal Standards Board.

Affiliate Members Advisory Council - Mark Cassidy, Chair
The Affiliate Member Advisory Council shall facilitate cooperation and communication between the Association’s Affiliate Members and the Association’s leadership and Member Jurisdictions. The Council shall be responsible for: 1. Identifying regulatory challenges facing Affiliate Members regarding compliance with education and qualifications requirements; 2. Acquiring and analyzing information from Member Jurisdictions regarding regulatory challenges of the Member Jurisdictions responsible for regulating Affiliate Members; 3. Assist the Association leadership in developing solutions to challenges faced by Affiliate Members that are consistent with regulatory authority; 4. Disseminating information and assistance to member jurisdictions and Affiliate Members to improve the communication between member jurisdictions and Affiliate Members; and 5. Act as a resource by conducting necessary research.

Have an interest in AARO's committees or councils? Take part by attending meetings during the Fall or Spring Conference, signing up through the form provided in the conference registration packet, or email Brandy March.
