Success Through Leadership, Cooperation, Communication and Education

ASC Notice of Funding

ASC Notice of Funding

The Appraisal Subcommittee announced a notice of funding availability (NOFA) to State Appraiser Regulatory Agencies for a non-competitive grant assistance. Application deadlines are August 17, 2020 for the first round. Future deadlines will be December 31, 2020, March 31, 2021, and June 30, 2021.

Grant applications, budget instructions and forms, and other required documents can be found on the ASC website under ASC Grants here
Funded Activities. The ASC has identified the below budget categories to support proposed activities. The list is not inclusive, and applicants may propose other categories and activities to meet the purpose of the program described in B above. Activities should be new or an expansion of existing activities/programs. Federal funds should not be used to supplant expenditures already supported with State funds. Funds will be awarded to support ongoing (e.g., annual participation in conferences or software subscriptions) and one-time (e.g., computer upgrades or IT development projects) expenditures in categories that include:
1. Technology
2. Travel
3. Communications
4. Personnel
5. Training
6. Supplies
7. Other