Success Through Leadership, Cooperation, Communication and Education

TAF Letter to State Regulators

TAF Letter to State Regulators

The Appraisal Foundation responded to the July 8, 2022 Appraisal Subcommittee letter to state agencies regarding the 7-Hour USPAP update course. Read TAF's letter here.

From the letter: 
Based on the guidance of Relman Colfax, we [TAF] will be issuing an updated version of this 90-minute portion of the 7-Hour National USPAP Update Course this fall, which clarifies and adds detail to the current section examining bias as it relates to USPAP. In addition to this new material being made available for educators and students, it will also be sent directly to every person who has taken the course to date. Equivalent providers of this course will also receive this updated course which they can insert directly into their existing courses. 